
A Safe Shopping Environment

Our dedicated, specially trained security guards are on duty 24 hours a day to ensure the safety of our shoppers.  Be Safe. Be Aware. Take action.

  1. Never leave valuables in your vehicle exposed. Always ensure all valuables are locked in your boot.
  2. Make sure that you close all vehicle windows.
  3. Never activate the remote to lock your vehicle while walking away. Check to make sure your vehicle is locked.
  4. Never leave your keys in the ignition.
  5. Always ensure that your children are visible to you and within earshot. Do not let them wander off whilst shopping.  Human trafficking and kidnapping is on the increase – please be extra alert. If you feel unsafe or suspect any suspicious activity, please consult with the closest security guard OR the security office, tel: 033 3424892
  6. Always ensure that your handbag is closed and that the clip or zip is on the side of your body.
  7. Never leave your cellphone on a chair or the desk where you pay for your goods. Ensure that your cellphone is either in your pocket or in your handbag.
  8. Never leave your wallet unattended at the till point. Keep your wallet in your hand at all times. If you are not using your wallet, make sure that it is in your handbag, and that your handbag is closed at all times.
  9. Do not let people distract you while you are at a till point, as their intention may be to make you leave your wallet or cellphone unattended on the desk of the till point.
  10. Do not leave your trolley with all your goods unattended. Ensure that you always have your trolley close to you, and that someone is watching it while you are fitting clothes, shoes or getting something from a rack.
  11. If possible, never leave your handbag, wallet or cellphone in the trolley whilst shopping.
  12. Ensure that your personal belongings (handbag, cellphone, wallet, etc.) are never left unattended and are out-of-easy-reach from prying hands.
  13. Pleases report illegal parking and bad driving to security. However, refrain from approaching other customers as this may lead to conflict.
  14. Please report any person offering you goods at a reduced amount.
  15. When at an ATM, never let anyone help you to enter a pin or tell you that you have dropped This may give them a chance to steal your card, pin or money.
  16. Do not force your card into an ATM if it does not fit easily into the card compartment.
  17. Ensure that your bank card is visible to you at all times, and that no one sees you enter your pin when paying for goods.
  18. Do not lend any person your cellphone or money.
  19. Before leaving the pay station, ensure that you have your vehicle keys in your hand. This will minimise any unnecessary distractions when arriving at your vehicle or possible thefts.

Should you experience an incident or suspicious activity, please report it immediately to Centre Management so that the correct procedures are followed and necessary steps are taken.

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